All electronics modules used for Arduino, Nodemcu, STM32, Raspberry pi given here. Please click on respective link for details and related projects/ practicals.
Here we learn which are the sensors available in the market what are their functions and how can we interface those components with our Electronic kits and utilize them in making cool projects.
Important Sensor for Project
Here, we will know a lot of important electronic sensors used in DIY Electronics projects.
This sensor is used to detect motion or movement.
2. Ultrasonic Sensor
Ultrasonic Distance Sensor provides very short (2CM) to long-range (4M) detection and ranging. The sensor provides precise and stable non-contact distance measurements from about 2cm to 4 meters with very high accuracy. It can be easily interfaced to any microcontroller.
The module sends eight 40Khz square wave pulses and automatically detects whether it receives the returning signal. If there is a signal returning, a high level pulse is sent on the echo pin. The length of this pulse is the time it took the signal from first triggering to the return echo.
To do practical of Ultrasonic sensor with Arduino click here
Special Features of SR04 Electronic sensors
Sensor Type: Ultrasonic
Output: Digital Sensor
Voltage: 5VDC
Detection distance: 2cm-400cm (0.02M – 4.0M)
Static current: < 2mA
Level output: high-5V
High precision: up to 0.3cm
3. IR Sensor
4. GAS Sensor MQ2
The MQ2 gas sensor has a high sensitivity to LPG, propane, and hydrogen; it can also be used with methane and other combustible steam. It is a low-cost sensor and is suitable for different applications.
• Good sensitivity to combustible gas in a wide range
• High sensitivity to LPG, propane, and hydrogen
• Long life and low cost
• Simple drive circuit
5. Potentiometer
6. Flame Sensor
7. Temperature and Humidity Sensor DHT11
Technical Specifications
• Power supply: 3-5.5V DC
• Output signal digital signal via single bus
• Sensing element: Polymer resistor
• Measuring range: Humidity 20-90%RH; temperature 0-50 Celsius
• Accuracy humidity: Humidity +-4%RH (max +-5%RH); temperature +-2.0 Celsius
• Resolution or sensitivity: Humidity 1%RH; temperature 0.1 Celsius
• Repeatability: Humidity +-1%RH; temperature +-1 Celsius
8. BMP085 Pressure Sensor
Technical Details
• Vin: 3 to 5 VDC
• Logic: 3 to 5V compliant
• I2C 7-bit address 0x77
• Pressure sensing range: 300-1100 hPa (9000m to -500m above sea level)
• Up to 0.03hPa/0.25m resolution
• -40 to +85°C operational range, +-2°C temperature accuracy